I am trying to initialize firebase, problem is I don’t know how to read the file properly.
I am getting this error: The issue is with the path.
Could not find matching constructor for: java.io.FileInputStream(org.moqui.impl.context.reference.ComponentResourceReference)
import com.google.firebase.FirebaseApp
import com.google.firebase.FirebaseOptions
import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials
def firebase = ec.resource.getLocationReference("component://sparts-workflow/data/Firebase.json")
def serviceAccount = new FileInputStream(firebase)
def options = new FirebaseOptions.Builder()
I also tried this way to read the file, but it doesn’t work
def firebase = ec.resource.getLocationReference("/sparts-workflow/data/Firebase.json")
But If I use an absolute path then I am able to read the file. This is the absolute path
def firebase = /home/fathe/Desktop/Pythys/sparts-moqui/runtime/component/sparts-workflow/data/Firebase.json