Vue Storefront Integration – Community Collaboration Effort

Hi everyone,

I’m posting this as a follow up to the Vue Storefront conversation we had on the April 15th call.

To summarize, there seems to be some interest among community members in using Vue Storefront as an e-commerce frontend which entails: developing a standard integration for Moqui.

I believe by collaborating on this, we could reduce any redundant work, speed up development and promote using Moqui as a headless ecommerce platform.

We could start by rallying up whoever is interested in contributing to the development – so if you are, please let us know here!

Very high level, this will entail some development on:

  • Moqui’s e-commerce related REST APIs (Fork PopRestStore and use it as a starting point)
  • Vue storefront integration (Use their boilerplate template as a starting point)

This is a good reference on how the integration should go:

Let us know your thoughts, I’m thinking once we gather enough interest, we could get on Discord & start discussing how to go about this.

Thank you!


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Hey @marwand thanks for this. I’ve been looking into this for some time and it’d be nice to do it as a community.

How should we approach this development?

Also I’ll message you my discord

If you want I can handle the moqui side with rest api’s, datadocuments to export to elastic search etc.

I forked PopRestStore a while ago for this purpose here: GitHub - acetousk/StorefrontIntegration: moqui's integration with vue-storefront

Haven’t done much work on it, but it’s a good place to start.

I’ve also forked the template for integrations here: GitHub - acetousk/ecommerce-integration-boilerplate: Boilerplate for creating new integrations for Vue Storefront Next - open-source frontend for any eCommerce

Here’s a good resource that I found: Vue Storefront Tutorial - Implement a simple feature and learn concepts| Step by step for beginners - YouTube

Some good examples are at if they don’t start with template- Vue Storefront - Community · GitHub

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@marwand Thanks for initiating this, i would be interested in collaborating on this effort. As you had mentioned, this would be great step to promote using Moqui as a headless ecommerce platform.

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@info.integrin Perfect, I’ll PM you the discord channel @michael and I are using to plan things out.

At this point we’re doing some research on how to approach this best, and going from there.

@michael posted some good resources that we should all look at.

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For future reference, join the Vue Storefront discord for future progress and discussion about this project.