Is there a way to change the order alert messages that are displayed in Moqui? Specifically, I am trying to update the order alert for “PsstOrdApprovePercAvailInv”.
It currently reads:
Item [p] has [x] which is greater than 20% of available inventory (y)
Item 01 has 5 which is greater than 20% of available inventory (1)
The end users are finding the description a little confusing and asked if it can be modified.
You may add a localization for the “default” locale, plus any localization you have for other locales.
You would need to find the original string that generates the message, in this case it is the string Item ${orderItem.orderItemSeqId} has ${ec.l10n.format(quantity, "0.##")} which is greater than ${bdPercAvailInv}% of available inventory (${ec.l10n.format(availableToPromiseTotal, "0.##")})