Transition not work in qapps and vapps

transition define:

<transition name="submitTask" read-only="true"><service-call name="mantle.workflow.WorkflowServices.submit#RunTask"/>
        <default-response url="."/>

in widgets call it :
<link url="submitTask" text="Submit" link-type="anchor-button"/>

In apps, click “Submit” button, work fine. but in qapps/vapps, don’t call service-call. And there are no error logs
Has anyone encountered a similar problem before?

framework and runtime versions : the newest , clone from github.

IIRC you must call transitions through the /apps/ path. This is a bit odd, but expected behavior.

It’s because vapps and qapps are kind of like virtually mounted screens that have the render mode set to qvt / vuet respectively. While /apps is where the screens are actually mounted.


But shouldn’t these differences be addressed at the framework level?
same screen XML file, behavior should be consistent

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I was of similar thought as @newmannhu in that XML widgets should be identical across all render modes, and differences isolated to <render-mode>...</render-mode>, so I could be wrong but perhaps we can fix <link.../> to be context aware.

However, if we make any change we risk breaking backwards compatibility. Needs some thought. Perhaps conditional check on /apps existence or something like that.


I would say yes. It would be a framework thing

having be context aware is interesting, and may be worth doing.

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