Qz Tray Setup in Moqui

I’m wondering how to setup qz tray in Moqui.

Do you currently have it working with the latest version?

I’ve added the user group preference for it so the JavaScript will show up in the header, and have the program downloaded and installed (v 2.2.2). I’m unable to connect with demo.qz.io or with moqui on a server. I seem to only be able to connect with the demo website files in /opt/qz-tray/demo. I think something may be wrong with a certificate.

Any guidance or help would be appreciated.

Hi Michael,

I’m able to connect the latest Moqui with Qz-tray.
Here are the steps that I followed:

  1. Download the latest version of qz tray.
  2. Add user preference (qz.print.enabled):
  3. Run the command to generate the digital-certificate.txt
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout qz-private-key.pem -out digital-certificate.txt -days 11499 -nodes
  1. Move the generated digital-certificate.txt and qz-private-key.pem to qz-tray folder (runtime/base-component/webroot/screen/webroot/js/qz-tray).
  2. Rebuild the project and finally application is connected with qz-tray.

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Thank you this is great!