New component and service

hi , I clone the moqui project and start it and now I want to create new rest file and new service file in runtime and component folder , but when I create It and call it using axios the bellow error was happen :
Service REST API Root resource not found with name antennaLa
and I also antennaLa in the artifacts group in system section
can you help me solve this problem ?

the new error is :
‘message’: ‘Could not find subscreen or transition or file/content [test] under screen [component://webroot/screen/webroot/rest.xml] while finding url for path [rest, antennaLab, test] under from screen [component://webroot/screen/webroot.xml] Screen, transition, or resource not found here’,
‘errorName’: ‘Not Found’,
‘error’: 404,
‘path’: ‘/rest/antennaLab/test’

Hi, are you fix your problem or not?

In Moqui we usually use components to write our code in instead of modifying the runtime and framework repositories directly. You can find an example of that here: GitHub - moqui/example: Example Component with entities, services, screens, compiled code, and tests. I recommend forking that and adding any of your new code to your runtime/components folder and using an unmodified version of runtime and framework.