Multiple Moqui instance (different application) use same external ElasticSearch cluster


Moqui support using external ElasticSearch cluster. I don’t want to setup multiple ElasticSearch clusters.
And I have multiple Moqui instance (running different application). Can I use the same ElasticSearch cluster for different Moqui instance. I found some article about [multi tenant] support in ElasticSearch. (Discovering the Need for an Indexing Strategy in Multi-Tenant Applications | Elastic Blog)

Anyone have experence about deploying multiple Moqui with single ElasticSearch cluster.

There is a solution to this in place in the latest code (from earlier this year) that supports an index name prefix for ElasticSearch, allowing different moqui instances to use different prefixes to index names so each moqui instance has a separate set of ES indexes.

The env var (or java property) name for it in the MoquiDefaultConf.xml file is ‘elasticsearch_index_prefix’. It does not add a separator character, so it is a good idea to use a ‘-’ (dash) or something at the end.

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Thank you.
I should upgrade the framework I am using.

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