Hi @jonesde
So first, I completely agree with ES java API, I hated it the moment I looked at it and that was the reason I turned to writing my own little thing. Second, this is a WIP and it barely does enough for my usecase but it’s definitely something to improve or revise. So I will share below each code snippet with brief of what it does:
The alternative service
Pretty much a rewrite of search#DataDocuments but allows me to pass the full query queryMap
<service verb="query" noun="DataDocuments">
Implements roughly the same logic as
org.moqui.search.SearchServices.search#DataDocuments but instead of
building the query automatically, it allows the user to input the
elastic query manually (queryMap) for more flexibility and control.
This should be the lowest level search service for Documents and
more services should be built on top of it.
<parameter name="indexName" required="true" />
<parameter name="documentType">
The ElasticSearch document type. For DataDocument based docs
this is the dataDocumentId.
<parameter name="queryMap" type="Map" required="true" />
<parameter name="orderByFields" type="List">
prefix with '+' or nothing for ascending and '-' for descending
<parameter name="orderByField"/>
<parameter name="highlightFields" type="List">
<parameter name="highlightField"/>
<parameter name="pageIndex" type="Integer" default="0" />
<parameter name="pageSize" type="Integer" default="20" />
<parameter name="pageNoLimit" type="Boolean" default="false" />
<parameter name="flattenDocument" type="Boolean" default="true" />
<parameter name="clusterName" default-value="default" />
<parameter name="documentList" type="List">
<parameter name="document" type="Map" />
<parameter name="documentListCount" type="Integer" />
<parameter name="documentListPageIndex" type="Integer" />
<parameter name="documentListPageSize" type="Integer" />
<parameter name="documentListPageMaxIndex" type="Integer" />
<parameter name="documentListPageRangeLow" type="Integer" />
<parameter name="documentListPageRangeHigh" type="Integer" />
import java.math.RoundingMode
import java.util.stream.Collectors
import org.moqui.impl.context.ElasticFacadeImpl
def elasticClient = ec.factory.elastic.getClient(clusterName)
if (!elasticClient) {
def warningMsg = "No Elastic Client found for cluster name ${clusterName}, not running search"
ec.message.addMessage(warningMsg, 'danger')
if (!elasticClient.indexExists(indexName)) {
ec.logger.warn("Tried to search with indexName ${indexName} that does not exist, returning empty list")
return [
documentListCount: 0,
documentListPageIndex: pageIndex,
documentListPageSize: pageSize,
documentListPageMaxIndex: 0,
documentListPageRangeLow: 0,
documentListPageRangeHigh: 0
def fromOffset = pageNoLimit ? 0 : pageIndex * pageSize
def sizeLimit = pageNoLimit ? 10000 : pageSize
def hasHighlights = highlightFields != null && highlightFields.size() > 0
def searchMap = [query: queryMap, from: fromOffset, size: sizeLimit, track_total_hits: true]
if (hasHighlights) {
searchMap.highlight = highlightFields.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap({it}, {[:]}))
if (orderByFields) {
searchMap.sort = orderByFields.stream()
.map { it.trim() }
.map { field ->
def firstChar = field.charAt(0)
def hasSortChar = ['-', '+'].stream().anyMatch { it == firstChar }
def isAscending = firstChar != '-'
def pureField = hasSortChar ? field.substring(1) : field
return isAscending ? pureField : [(pureField): 'desc']
def index = documentType
? documentType.split(',').collect({ ElasticFacadeImpl.ddIdToEsIndex(it) }).join(',')
: indexName
Map validateRespMap = elasticClient.validateQuery(index, queryMap, true)
if (validateRespMap != null) {
ec.message.addMessage("Invalid search: ${queryMap}", 'danger')
documentListCount = 0
def hitsMap = elasticClient.search(index, searchMap).hits
def hitsList = hitsMap.hits
def documentList = hitsList.stream().map { hit ->
def document = flattenDocument ? flattenNestedMap(hit._source) : hit._source
document._index = hit._index
document._id = hit._id
document._version = hit._version
document._type = hit._type == null || '_doc' == hit._type
? ElasticFacadeImpl.esIndexToDdId(_index)
: hit._type
if (hasHighlights) {
document.highlights = hit.highlight
return document
def totalResults = hitsMap.total.value
def maxIndex = (totalResults - 1.0).divide(pageSize, 0, RoundingMode.DOWN)
def highRange = (pageIndex * pageSize) + pageSize
def hasMore = highRange < totalResults
def checkedHighRange = hasMore ? highRange : totalResults
return [
documentList: documentList,
documentListCount: totalResults,
documentListPageIndex: pageIndex,
documentListPageSize: pageSize,
documentListPageMaxIndex: maxIndex,
documentListPageRangeLow: pageIndex * pageSize + 1,
documentListPageRangeHigh: checkedHighRange
Query Builder
This class is the one used to build the queries. It allows building to both json or Map formats
package com.pythys.elastic
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import javax.annotation.Nullable
public class QueryBuilder {
private CompositeQuery query
private CompositeQuery currentQuery
private QueryBuilder() {
this.query = new CompositeQuery(CompositeQuery.QueryType.BOOL)
this.currentQuery = this.query
private QueryBuilder buildCompositeQuery(
Closure subBuild,
CompositeQuery.QueryType queryType) {
buildCompositeQuery(subBuild, queryType, [:])
private QueryBuilder buildCompositeQuery(
Closure subBuild,
CompositeQuery.QueryType queryType,
Map args) {
def childQuery = new CompositeQuery(queryType, args)
def parentQuery = this.currentQuery
this.currentQuery = childQuery
this.currentQuery = parentQuery
return this
private QueryBuilder buildLeafQuery(LeafQuery leafQuery) {
return this
public static QueryBuilder query() {
return new QueryBuilder()
public QueryBuilder bool(Closure subBuild) {
buildCompositeQuery(subBuild, CompositeQuery.QueryType.BOOL)
public QueryBuilder must(Closure subBuild) {
buildCompositeQuery(subBuild, CompositeQuery.QueryType.MUST)
public QueryBuilder mustNot(Closure subBuild) {
buildCompositeQuery(subBuild, CompositeQuery.QueryType.MUST_NOT)
public QueryBuilder should(Closure subBuild) {
buildCompositeQuery(subBuild, CompositeQuery.QueryType.SHOULD)
public QueryBuilder nested(Map args, Closure subBuild) {
buildCompositeQuery(subBuild, CompositeQuery.QueryType.NESTED, args)
public QueryBuilder exists(String field) {
buildLeafQuery(new LeafQuery(LeafQuery.QueryType.EXISTS, 'field', field))
public QueryBuilder match(String field, String value) {
buildLeafQuery(new LeafQuery(LeafQuery.QueryType.MATCH, field, value))
public QueryBuilder range(String field,
@Nullable String fromValue,
@Nullable String toValue) {
buildLeafQuery(new LeafQuery(LeafQuery.QueryType.RANGE, field, fromValue, toValue))
public QueryBuilder queryString(String query) {
buildLeafQuery(new LeafQuery(LeafQuery.QueryType.QUERY_STRING, null, query))
public QueryBuilder conditionDate(String fromFieldName,
String toFieldName,
String timestamp) {
bool {
must {
bool {
should {
range(fromFieldName, null, timestamp)
bool {
mustNot {
bool {
should {
range(toFieldName, timestamp, null)
bool {
mustNot {
public QueryBuilder conditionOr(String field, List<String> values) {
bool {
should {
values.each { value ->
match(field, value)
public Map toMap() {
if (this.currentQuery != this.query) {
throw new RuntimeException("You cannot build inside an inner query")
} else {
return this.query.build()
public String json() {
return JsonOutput.toJson(toMap())
This is the parent of both leaf and composite queries whom are separated because they work differently
package com.pythys.elastic
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
public interface ElasticQuery {
public Map build()
package com.pythys.elastic
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import java.util.stream.Collectors
public class CompositeQuery implements ElasticQuery {
public enum QueryType {
private String type
private QueryType(String type) {
this.type = type
public String type() {
return this.type
private QueryType queryType;
private Map args
private List<ElasticQuery> subQueries
public CompositeQuery(QueryType queryType) {
this(queryType, [:])
public CompositeQuery(QueryType queryType, Map args) {
this.queryType = queryType
this.args = args
this.subQueries = []
public void add(ElasticQuery query) {
private List buildListSubquery(List<ElasticQuery> subList) {
subList.stream().map { it.build() }.collect(Collectors.toList())
private Map buildMapSubquery(List<ElasticQuery> subList) {
.flatMap { it.build().entrySet().stream() }
{Map.Entry e -> e.getKey()},
{Map.Entry e -> e.getValue()}))
public Map build() {
def subQuery = queryType != QueryType.BOOL
? buildListSubquery(subQueries)
: buildMapSubquery(subQueries)
def checkedQuery = queryType != QueryType.NESTED
? subQuery
: [score_mode: 'avg', query: [bool: [must: subQuery]]].plus(args)
return [(this.queryType.type()): checkedQuery]
package com.pythys.elastic
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
public class LeafQuery implements ElasticQuery {
public enum QueryType {
private String type
private QueryType(String type) {
this.type = type
public String type() {
return this.type
private QueryType queryType
private String field
private String value
private String fromValue
private String toValue
public LeafQuery(QueryType queryType, String field, String value) {
this.queryType = queryType
this.field = field
this.value = value
public LeafQuery(QueryType queryType,
String field,
String fromValue,
String toValue) {
this.queryType = queryType
this.field = field
this.fromValue = fromValue
this.toValue = toValue
public Map build() {
def fieldValue
switch (queryType) {
case QueryType.QUERY_STRING:
fieldValue = [
query: value,
lenient: true,
time_zone: TimeZone.default.getID()
case [QueryType.EXISTS, QueryType.MATCH]:
fieldValue = value
case QueryType.RANGE:
fieldValue = buildRangeQuery(fromValue, toValue)
def checkedValue = field ? [(field): fieldValue] : fieldValue
return [(queryType.type()): checkedValue]
private Map buildRangeQuery(from, to) {
def rangeQuery = [:]
if (fromValue) { rangeQuery.gte = fromValue }
if (toValue) { rangeQuery.lte = toValue }
return rangeQuery
This is an example of how to use the API. Note how you can mix code with the builder. You can even build things manually and mix that with the QueryBuilder.
def queryMap
QueryBuilder.query().with {
queryMap = must {
nested([path: 'categories'], {
conditionOr('categories.productCategoryId', myListOfCategoryIds)
if (someConditionHere) {
match('productClassEnumId', '123')