How to install moqui_vi_VN?

I have configured the original version and run it successfully on localhost 8080 but don’t know how to configure moqui_vi_VN.

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moqui_vi_VN is a component hosted GitHub - olbius/moqui_vi_VN.

Because it is not an out of the box component in this file, you’ll need to create a file called myaddons.xml in your moqui-framework directory containing the following text:

<addons default-repository="github">

    <!-- olbius Client Components -->
    <component name="moqui_vi_VN" group="olbius" version="" branch="main"/>


Checkout this comment in addons.xml to see why we need to create a myaddons.xml file.

Then in your moqui-framework directory, run

./gradlew getComponent -Pcomponent=moqui_vi_VN

Then you should have a directory at ls ./runtime/componet/moqui_vi_VN when in your moqui-framework directory

Hope this helps!


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