Hello everyone! Have a good day.
I configured moqui_vi_VN component and ran gradlew load and received these errors.
11:48:51.279 ERROR oquiWorker-4 o.moqui.i.c.MessageFacadeImpl Task org.moqui.impl.context.ExecutionContextImpl$ThreadPoolRunnable@3a5f95cd rejected from org.moqui.impl.context.ContextJavaUtil$WorkerThreadPoolExecutor@2351df6b[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 1, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 24]
11:48:51.279 ERROR oquiWorker-4 o.moqui.i.e.EntityDataFeed Error calling DataFeed MyAccountNotifications service mantle.party.PartyServices.send#DataDocumentNotifications: Task org.moqui.impl.context.ExecutionContextImpl$ThreadPoolRunnable@3a5f95cd rejected from org.moqui.impl.context.ContextJavaUtil$WorkerThreadPoolExecutor@2351df6b[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 1, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 24]
11:50:57.662 ERROR RequireNewTx o.moqui.i.e.EntityDataLoaderImpl Skipping to next file after error: org.moqui.BaseException: Error loading entity data from file:/Users/anh7moqui/moqui/runtime/component/moqui_vi_VN/data/vi_VN_L10nMessages.xml org.xml.sax.SAXException: Error storing entity [moqui.basic.LocalizedMessage] value (file file:/Users/anh7moqui/moqui/runtime/component/moqui_vi_VN/data/vi_VN_L10nMessages.xml line 1058): Error creating LocalizedMessage [original:Newer or same revision (${existingOrder.externalRevision}) order ${orderId} found for customer ID ${header.customerPartyId}, other party order ID ${header.otherPartyOrderId}, external order ID ${header.externalId}; attempted revision ${header.externalRevision}, locale:vi_VN]: text value too long [22001]
Error creating LocalizedMessage [original:Newer or same revision (${existingOrder.externalRevision}) order ${orderId} found for customer ID ${header.customerPartyId}, other party order ID ${header.otherPartyOrderId}, external order ID ${header.externalId}; attempted revision ${header.externalRevision}, locale:vi_VN]: text value too long [22001]
This looks like a race condition error due to multiple threads. You should be able to just restart the server and that should fix the problem. Another solution is to run (Warning this will kill all data on the local environment make sure to gradle save for a backup zip file if needed) gradle cleanDb to clean the database and reload. If that the error keeps happening, then we might have a bigger problem.
With another error that has a string that is too long at /Users/anh7moqui/moqui/runtime/component/moqui_vi_VN/data/vi_VN_L10nMessages.xml line 1058. Shorten the string for testing, and see if that fixes the error.
In the future, it’s better to post all the non-sensitive text in one output instead of picking and choosing which to keep. Sometimes the information that you may not find relevant actually is vital.