Freemarker stopping?

Has anyone have had issues where apparently Freemarker stops working, and the HTML is served including the Freemarker macros without processing?

We have seen this a couple of times but always in production and without much tools or time to do proper debugging. And as we have not yet found a way to reproduce this behavior, we have not been able to look furhter into it.

This is what the Login page looks like in this case:

The log shows a normal access, with no errors, and I have not been able to see any earlier errors that may indicate the cause.

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I’ve seen it happen before, but very rarely (sometimes it’ll happen in dev).

I’m not sure what to do about it either :woman_shrugging:

In the meanwhile, we have added a condition in the healthcheck script so it will restart an instance if this starts happening.

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That’s cool. Is that with the moqui-metrics component?

No, that is just part of the kubernetes pod definition, which allows to set up a livenessProbe. Docker allows setting up a healthcheck script (hence the name), but it has no effect as to restart the container.

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