Financial account question

Hi, I am currently working on a task about a kind of a credit account. i have to do this using another framework than moqui but i would like to do it using moqui too just for fun.
I am not sure how to explain this with the right business words so i will give you an example:
Asumme i have a cafeteria and customers buy cups of coffee. Some of them will be paid next month, if someone buys seven cups of coffee the eighth cup will be got for free. And no one can owe more than three cups of coffee. I know I can record the date when they will have to pay using invoices and i can calculate how they owe summing the invoices. My question is: Could I use financial account entity to record how much they owe? I have been reading and i know it is used for bank accounts and it is different.

Ahora en español:
Estoy trabajando en una especie de cuenta corriente donde se le puede vender a los clientes a crédito. Sé que para saber cuánto adeuda un cliente se pueden usar los mismos “invoices” pues queda registrada la fecha de cuándo debería ser pagado. Y mi pregunta es si podría usar la entidad “Financial Account” para implementar esta cuenta corriente, así podría facturar todo y hacer los descuentos después en la cuenta al momento de pagar la deuda si se cumplen las condiciones de descuento. ¿Conceptualmente estaría equivocado y es mejor usar sólo invoices y crear las reglas pertinentes de deuda máxima o no creen que estaría mal?¿Piensan que usar financial account podría ser redundante?

Gracias de antemano por sus opiniones.


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I think that possibly a better question is why would you use a FinancialAccount to keep track of invoices and orders?

One solution to this might be handling OrderHeader states for a set of orders, and use a ProductStorePromotion like this:

to manage the buy seven cups get 1 cup free promotion.

For handling the limit of owing a max of 3 cups of coffee, perhaps limit the creation of new orders that add to a combined total of orders of more than 3 that haven’t reach a paid status. That may require some customization, but shouldn’t be too hard to do.

Hope this helps!

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Hi Michael,
I see your point. I am not enough experienced using invoices and orders so i was a little lost. A friend of mine said something alike that i should use Invoice Services and Order Services so i will follow the advices of you both.
Thank you for taking time to answer, and congratulations for moqui forum, it is nicer than googlegroups.

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I agree with Michael and where it sounds like you’re headed here… the whole idea with tracking how much a customer owes is based on the record that is defined as that, ie the Invoice and related entities.

One advantage of using the standard part of the data model like this is that there are services, screens, and reports that use it… including a few different Accounts Receivable reports and a financial summary per customer (or Party in general, including suppliers, etc).


Thanks. Glad you like it!

Yeah that seems like the right choice. Thanks for you’re post!

Thank you for your guidance, David.