Eastern Moqui Call Starting

If you’re in the Eastern part of the world, like India, China, or Middle East then the Current Moqui calls are not a good time for you. They’re too late in the day or even early morning.

@visvendra and I are looking for people who would like to join this call. We don’t have a time announced, but I think it’s a good idea.

@marwand @taher or others if you’re interested, let’s figure out a time that works for you.


Hi Michael. Yes exactly timing is a little painful. We start at around 11 pm here and usually end at 2 or 3 am or so. I am ready to join whenever you schedule this.

I think we have one of two options, either adjust the time for everyone, or schedule two community meetings catering to two sets of timezones. The first option is preferable though it might be a little hard to find a suitable time for everyone given the big timezone differences across the globe. The second option is more convenient but at the expense of a little fragmentation and possibly missing out on some valuable input / interactions from various folks.

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We were leaning to having 2 calls. Where anyone can join either time, but one is optimal for western time and another time that’s optimal for eastern time. We each one every other friday alternating. So the first eastern one would be sometime on April 5th. What do you think @visvendra?

Sorry for the confusion @michael. @visvendra is our CEO and I’m CTO at NOI Technologies. You and me discuss this idea in last Moqui Collabration meeting.

Yes, we can schedule the first eastern on April 5. Does 10 AM IST work for everyone?


I’m sorry. I totally missed this. I can do the same time on April 8th. Does that work for you @nirendra and @taher?

@michael Yes, it works for me.

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I created a meet here: Moqui Open Collaboration Meet
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/pof-cdnw-zdo
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 320-403-2815‬ PIN: ‪361 973 357‬#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/pof-cdnw-zdo?pin=5751183702244

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Hello @michael and all

I don’t seem to have in my calendar a scheduled meeting for eastern time similar to the one created for western time. Is there an invite somewhere with the link and everything?

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The invite is just a google calendar event with the entire moqui google group added. If you join the google group (here), you should see it on your calendar.

If you want a direct invite, reach out and I can add your email directly.

I see. I got it sorted it, I have own my own email server for taher@pythys.com and also a gmail account for which I’m a member in moqui. I just needed to enable both calendars to show up. The pain of multiple accounts :smile: Thank you

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I have requested to join the Google Group. Please approve. That will help with event schedules.

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Hey @michael thanks for organizing this!

My apologies, I’ve been traveling recently but I plan on attending the next one. See you guys then.


Of course. We’d love to have you on!


Is this a recurring meeting call, I also wanted to join this call. Please let me know how I can attend this meeting.

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Yes. If you or anyone messages me their email, I can add you to the calendar event.

You can also join by joining the Moqui google group here: * https://groups.google.com/d/forum/moqui