Hello everybody!
I’ve been studying moqui for two months now;
I’m facing some problems with locale settings. As I am in Brazil, I would like things to work in pt_BR and America/São_Paulo, however, when I configure the file ~/moqui/framework/src/main/resources/MoquiDefaultConf.xml
Code snippet;
<default-property name="default_locale" value="pt_BR"/>
<default-property name="default_time_zone" value="America/Sao_Paulo"/>
<default-property name="database_time_zone" value="America/Sao_Paulo"/>
- The screen http://moqui.local:8080/qapps/hmadmin/dashboard,
Does not load the screen when used with the configuration dynamic Material UI.
But it loads with the configuration standard UI and dynamic Bootstrap UI.
If the settings in default_locale
are set again to en_US, the screen works again in all UIs…
- Another thing that is puzzling me is the fact that the prices of the products in the ecommerce only appear if they have a field definition priceUomId**=“USD”, if you have another currency, for example** priceUomId**=“BRL” , prices do not load.**
<mantle.product.Product productId="DEMO_TS_M" productTypeEnumId="PtVirtual" assetTypeEnumId="" assetClassEnumId=""
chargeShipping="Y" returnable="Y" productName="Men's T-Shirt" description="">
<!-- list price -->
<prices productPriceId="DEMO_TS_M_L" pricePurposeEnumId="PppPurchase" priceTypeEnumId="PptList" fromDate="1265184000000"
minQuantity="1" price="19,99" priceUomId="USD"/>
<!-- long-term current price -->
<prices productPriceId="DEMO_TS_M_CLT" pricePurposeEnumId="PppPurchase" priceTypeEnumId="PptCurrent" fromDate="1265184000000"
minQuantity="1" price="18,99" priceUomId="BRL"/>
With the file PopRestStoreProductData.xml configured as shown above… the product “DEMO_TS_M_L" only the price will appear 19,99 that is defined priceUomId="USD"
, already the product “DEMO_TS_M_CLT”
with the configuration price="18,99" priceUomId="BRL"
does not display the value.
Note: All Location settings are set to pt_BR and America/Sao_Paulo.
If anyone can help me…
I’ll be thankful