Here are ideas on how we can have fun and achieve high output. The objective is to improve calls, encourage increased participation, and provide community members high value for their time participation. Hopefully a plan will help this, but the plan is not meant to be highly structured, boring or political. For code’s sake.
Start the call with some banter. Once a quorum has joined cover important topics. Share demos, encourage feature collaboration and open sourcing code. Set a space for newer participants to ask learning questions. Banter a bit more. 30 seconds of code, designee then open forum. Industry topics, media and social challenges. Hop off the call when needed, ideally 15, 30, 60 or 120 minute participation are all valuable participation times depending on people’s interest and availability. Close the call when multi party participation is no longer valuable.
Important topics:
- Security updates
- Significant Moqui repo changes
- New features open sourced
- Other relevant libraries and how to incorporate them